Dear Blog Followers (if you're out there),
I'd like to apologize for the long break in posts, alot has happened in the life of a Peakbagger in this past summer, let me hit a few highlights for you.
1) I've been offered a job as a brewer at a local establishment that is planning to move from a restaurant to a brewpub... needless to say, this is an incredibly exciting development, and while I can't speak to where this will occur yet, as soon as the ball starts rolling, I will make sure EVERYONE knows when they can get my beer on tap.
2) I have a new house! I've moved into an absolutely awesome house with fellow Peakbagger Keegan McNichol, as well as computer savvy gourmet Andrew White--> expect alot more posts now that we have more space to brew and cook :)
3) I took a trip to Boston with fellow Peakbagger Wally Klubek (went caving and cliff-diving along the way in Schoharie), and visited many a pub, but the most exciting stop was Harpoon Brewery. We also had an opportunity to tour the local scene with Boston native Sarah Pruski (of www.catalogingpruski.com) We had some delicious lobster ravioli amongst many glasses of beer, wine, and spirits.
4) I bagged 2 peaks with my brother (and fellow Peakbagger :) ) Christopher Sasiadek (of sasiadizzle.blogspot.com)--> Algonquin and Iroqouis Peaks! Great hike the first day, but as you can see in the photo, the weather caught up to us while we summited- possibly the coldest and windiest days I've ever experienced. We could only stay on the peak for a few minutes, but still an amazing trip- If anyone has the chance- hike into Lake Colden via Avalanche Pass... some of the most gorgeous views I have ever seen.
There have been alot of other developments, but from here on out, I'll just keep it to the recipes- look forward to alot of earthy beer-braised dishes coming this winter-season!